Nowadays killers and assassins use powerful computer hardware with multicore processors ,formula one like BUS speeds and literally gargantuan RAM capacity to take control of planes ,trains,drones and automobiles.
On July 24th the high speed Madrid to Ferrol train derailed. The Rail operator had an excellent safety record though matters weren't helped when the driver said it was speeding at 200 kph and the brakes were not responding and the MSM claimed he was on the phone at the time. Officially 78 died and we do know many were top Catholic hierarchy headed to Compostela for a major festival.
The thing is most trains over the past decade are actually computer controlled. The driver is more of a semi redundant operator to simply manage the various systems. In many first world cities the trains are driverless. In this particular case we know nothing about the passenger manifest;only that there were high level Catholics on board,many of whom were killed.
Dear Reader,who would want to kill Catholics? Who has been at war with them and every other major religion in recorded history? Hint: Pope John Paul was secretly of their tribe.
In early December 2011,Iranian TV broadcast footage of a captured US RQ 170 drone. They announced they'd successfully hacked into the signal while the MSM claimed it had crashed. The undamaged condition supports the Iranian narrative. Whether the Russians or Chinese assisted is immaterial and only provides some face saving for the US.
Michael Hastings ,the Rolling Stones journo whose scathing article of Gen. Stanley McChrystal infuriated Washington died June 23rd in the inferno of his wrecked 2013 Mercedes C 250 coupe. People talked of a bomb even a missile but experienced observers thought otherwise.
No less an authority than Richard Clarke,former chief counter terrorism advisor to the American National Security Council publicly announced it was a cyber attack on the vehicle.
In 2011,University of California,San Diego computer scientists in conjunction with the University of Washington made a study of how easy it is to hack into a vehicle computer. The results were sobering: researchers, led by UW professor Tadayoshi Kohno and UCSD professor Stefan Savage, were able to hack just about everything electronic in a car. They demonstrated the ability to mess with the car's radio and instrument panel cluster (to falsify fuel level and speedometer readings), jam locks, pop the trunk, honk the horn, enable/disable windshield wipers, control the A/C environment. Most importantly, they were able to disable the engine, disable or enable brakes, and create a general denial of service while the car's wheels were doing 40 mph.As the media circus of the sea search continued my suspicions solidified. My usual contacts were silent offering only informed speculation but nothing solid. Dear Reader,here is the truth of flight 370-who did it,why and how.
The writer,Yoichi Shimatsu is a science writer with excellent worldwide intel connections. He investigated the 1992 El Al plane crash in Bjilmeer when it failed on takeoff from Schiphol airport,Amsterdam crashing into an apartment block.
That would have been the end of it but the surviving tenants soon began to suffer projectile vomiting.
It turned out the Israelis were illegally carrying precursors for their chemical warfare program using Schiphol airport as a logistics base. Nothing new to see here;just Normal Human People suffering the crimes of Jews-again.
I'll print in full. It may disappear from the net.
MH370 Revisited Part 1: Malaysians Defy Zionist Disinformation
At a closed-door seminar on
the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, veteran police
commanders and retired military officers said that erroneous media
reports and bizarre blogger theories are aimed at debunking the logical
conclusion that the jetliner was hijacked. Trivialized speculation and
futile searching have presented a mid-sea crash as the only possible
scenario and a given fact without a shred of evidence.
Meanwhile the country’s
largest ad agency is pushing a cynical publicity campaign to persuade
families and friends to give up the search for their loved ones. Across
the capital Kuala Lumpur, gigantic billboards and electronic signs are
posted with “condolences” and “mourning” for those aboard MH370,
asserting without an iota of proof that the passengers are dead. The
shadowy ad firm Ganad behind this cruel hoax is hardly a moral standard
bearer, after admitting to unreported business contracts and bribery in a
court of law last year.
Who could be behind this
campaign to demoralize the Malaysian public? A veteran Malaysian police
detective at the seminar said that psychological-warfare tactics are
being orchestrated from the Mossad station in neighboring Singapore, a
stronghold of Zionist influence since the colonial era. The SingaIsraeli
cover-up has backfired, however, as millions of skeptical Malaysians
filter fact from corporate media lies and hold on to the possibility
that someday, somehow the hostages will be freed from captivity.

Emerging Consensus Points to Israel as Perpetrator
The consensus among the
gathering, which included veteran police and military officers who have
insider access to government information, includes:
- The last radar detection of
MH370, picked up by an airport at Surathani, Thailand, showed the
jetliner moving due west between Penang and Lankawi island, past 2 a.m.
when radar at the local international airports had already closed. The
plane was not following a southerly arc toward Australia as erroneously
suggested by European aircraft experts cited in the mass media.
- Eyewitness accounts of a
low-flying jetliner over the Maldives are bona fide and consistent with
other evidence showing the jetliner was forced to land on nearby Diego
Garcia island, a US military facility in the British-controlled Chagos
Islands group, where a large contingent of Israeli Defense Force
personnel are stationed.
- The early-on claim that two
Iranian terrorists were aboard was a red herring planted by the Mossad.
The European passports in their possession were stolen in Thailand and
their air tickets were purchased over the phone, suggesting a frame-up
by Israeli spies, who operate out of the Chabad Houses in Kuala Lumpur
and Bangkok. The false terror scare was a ruse to convince the US
military to permit MH370 to land at Diego Garcia.
- Before departure from Kuala
Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) the pilot ordered extra aircraft
fuel, indicating a plan to fly the jetliner after transiting at Diego
Garcia. With full fuel tanks, a Boeing 777 can easily reach Israel.

map of southern tip of Diego Garcia shows where the MH370 passengers
were detained, at an abandoned NSA complex at the top of the map,
recently used as a prison for rendition suspects. Formerly called the
Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance center, it was used
by the NSA to track and process data from spy satellites. Its functions
have been replaced by USAF-NSA orbital platforms. The demolished
satellite dish park is shown below the NSA complex.
The Unknown Soldiers
On March 18, some 10 days
after the hijack, American passenger Philip Wood managed to send an
i-Phone message, consisting of a dark “selfie” photo of his hooded head.
His voice message was probably received, transcribed and edited into a
standard SOS text by his fiance Sarah Bajc, a business executive in
Beijing with intelligence connections. His message reads:
“I have been held hostage by
unknown military personnel after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I
work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass
during the hijack. I have been separated from the other passengers and I
am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as
well and cannot think clearly.“
The key words here are
“unknown military”. A trained security expert, Wood would have detected
British, Australian or Turkish accents among the hostage takers. The
only other military contingent on Diego Garcia, second only to Americans
in numbers of personnel, are the Israelis. Dressed in unmarked
uniforms, the Israels would speak in English with a variety of accents
and therefore fit his description of an “unknown military.”
Wood was unaware of his
location. GPS data from his i-Phone phone indicate that the passengers
were held in the southeast sector of the ring-shaped atoll at an
abandoned NSA facility. Formerly known as the Ground-based
Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance center, the fenced site with
several structures has been used for extraordinary renditions in the war
on terror, as attested to in a 2009 lawsuit in a London court by two
Egyptian prisoners secretly detained there, as reported by The Guardian.
As shown in the Egyptian
suspects’ court testimony against the British military, allied forces
have had free rein to run their own operations on Diego Garcia without
interference from the US military. Therefore, it was possible for the
Israelis to remain in control of the Flight 370 passengers and crew at
the remote NSA facility, after turning over the two Iranians to American
Wood’s role as the security
expert for the Freescale Semiconductor team aboard MH370 would have
prompted the Israel team to separate him from other passengers for
solitary confinement. He was taken the switching facility for an
abandoned array of satellite dishes, which appear as circles on the
ground, south of the NSA compound.
The Israeli commandos
isolated Wood because, as the team security expert, he was the only
person who knew how to organize the computer programmers and other
passengers to refuse to disclose their names and job titles to their
captors. By hiding or exchanging their passports, and refusing any
cooperation, the passengers could prevent the hijackers from completing
their mission of identifying the Freesoft staffers and taking them on a
smaller military aircraft to Israel. Wood’s task, in contrast, was to
protect the data, so vital to American national security, whatever the
By March 24, Sarah Bajc’s on
camera interviews with CNN and BBC bureaus in Beijing, and her pleas to
the US Embassy, spurred the State Department and CIA officials to launch
an inquiry as to why an American security expert was being held by a
foreign military. Once investigators examined the GPS data sent with the
i-Phone photo, American intelligence officials realized to their dismay
that MH370 was parked on the US military base in Diego Garcia.
That shocking discovery
caused the American officers at Diego Garcia to order the Israelis to
remove the plane and its passengers from their jurisdiction. Since a
return to Kuala Lumpur would have caused an uproar, the only acceptable
destination was a Royal Australian Air Force base in the Outback, north
of Perth. RAAF Base Pearce at Bullsbrook is a joint-use base with the
Singapore Air Force, putting it under de facto control of the Israel Air
and Space Wing, which organized the MH370 hijacking.
By hiding the plane in
Western Australia, the military allies could to buy time to resolve the
diplomatically embarrassing crisis. The plane never reached that holding

security expert Philip Wood was kept in solitary confinement at this
power switching station after “unknown military personnel” separated him
from other passengers. The circles are foundations of dismantled
satellite dishes and microwave-relay towers used by the NSA
satellite-tracking station. From this site, he managed to send an SOS
message from an i-Phone that he had hidden in his underpants.

Prenuptial Tragedy
The probable recipient of
Wood’s smart-phone message is his Beijing-based fiance Sarah Bajc. A
marketing expert for high-tech companies, she has professional links
with the US Commerce Department, which began early in her career as a
member of a federal committee on foreign trade. Former Commerce
Secretary Gary Locke was US Ambassador to Beijing until the end of 2013,
so she had personal access to the Embassy. As such, she has connections
with US intelligence officer and the Western news media, including CNN
and BBC, which covered her shocking statements that governments were
running a cover-up over the hijacking and that the MH370 passengers were
still alive.
In many ways, the romantic
link between Wood and Bajc as tech-security experts was similar to the
relationship between CIA counter-proliferation agent Valerie Plame and
Ambaassador Joe Wilson. By no odd coincidence, the opponent of both
brainy couples was the same: Israel along with its neoconservative
operatives in the Pentagon.
Bajac claimed the jetliner
was escorted by fighter jets . That sighting on descent to Diego Garcia
was possible due to Wood’s security training, which enables an agent to
regain consciousness against a dosage of sedatives, in this case
sleeping gas released inside the airplane cabin. While civilians tend to
succumb to drowsiness aboard vehicles, security agents undergo
psychologial training to revive themselves from sedative-induced
slumber. As a result, Wood saw the jet escort and realized that MH370
had been remotely hijacked.

Freescale Kinetis KL03 microcontroller unit
Asleep at the Wheel
The possibility that the
passengers and crew were sedated via the air vents was confirmed by a
police detective and a military officer at the Kuala Lumpur seminar.
Calls to mobile phones of passengers aboard MH370 by relatives triggered
ring tones that went unanswered, indicating the passengers had been
drugged. That scenario gains credible support from the erratic steering
just before MH370 made its U-turn to cross over the peninsula,
indicating that the pilot was struggling with drowsiness just before the
controls were taken from his hands by an electronic hijack.
The release of
airborne-tranquilizers via the interior vents was patented in August
2003 by inventor Jose Paul Moretta, as part of a remote-piloting system
to foil terrorist hijackers. Aircraft manufacturers may have developed a
working system a decade earlier, at least since 1995, for installation
on high risks air routes, for example, the Middle East.
Oxygen deprivation is not
used in emergency situations because it can cause permanent damage to
the brain and sensory organs. That false media claim by so-called
aircraft experts is obviously intended to maintain airline secrecy about
the anti-hijacking system aboard many large jetliners. The existence of
a gassing system explains why airline regulations forbid oxygen
cannisters aboard passenger jets, since an independent air supply would
enable terrorists to stay in control of a hijacked jet.
(There is inconsistency over
the specific Boeing 777 used for Flight 370 on March 8, with the
Malaysian Air Service claiming it is a wholly owned aircraft delivered
in March 2002. In contrast, the Planespotters group surfaced a document
indicating the plane is an older model leased to MAS by GA Telesis. A
change of plane number, with cooperation from Boeing Southeast Asia, is
not inconceivable for two purposes: insurance claims for the loss of a
plane and passengers; and to hide the past installation of a
tranquilizing system when the jet was owned by the Kuwait aircraft
leasing firm ALARCO. Corruption and cover-ups are standard practice at
Boeing Southeast Asia, which under its current management is allegedly
engaged in criminal trafficking activities along with bribery and
kickbacks for plane sales.)
The electronic takeover of
MH370′s controls over the Gulf of Thailand is a telltale sign that the
pilot lost his nerve at the last minute and had failed to turn the
aircraft westward as ordered by his spymaster. It will never be known
whether the pilot realized that he was under Israel command, since
espionage agencies use “cut outs”, middlemen who appear not to be
associated with the operation planners. His assumption was probably one
of aiding Islamic extremists, as is the case in many so-called jihadist
false-flag attacks secretly organized by the Mossad against US or Arab
The Titiwangsa Mountains,
which forms the backbone of the Kra Peninsula, is risky for pilots even
in daylight hours because of its jagged peaks. During nighttime,
downdrafts are especially dangerous, and MH370 crossed one of the
highest passes of the Main Range.
A Loss of Nerve
After takeoff from Kuala
Lumpur airport just after midnight, the pilot should have veered off the
scheduled route to Beijing while the aircraft was still overland and
not yet reached the seacoast. To the northeast of Kuala Lumpur, the
jetliner could have safely slipped between the lower-elevation Genting
Highlands and Fraser Hills for radar invisibility and turned westward,
remaining far south of radar range of the international airports at
Penang and Langkawi island.
The pilot, however, missed
the easiest turning points and proceeded beyond the Pacific coast,
missing other possible crossing lanes over the increasing higher Main
Range. When the plane crossed the extended Malaysian-Thai maritime
boundary, a radar station at Kota Terengganu, south of the Thai border,
picked up signals indicating sudden erratic right and then left turns,
first rising and then dropping to a much lower elevation. These
out-of-control movements indicate the pilot was having problems with
steering the aircraft. The plane’s radio communications was suddenly cut
off, as indicated by the co-pilot’s futile attempt to make a distress
call from his mobile phone.
If the cockpit vents were
indeed spewing tranquilizer gas, the pilots could have easily put on
their oxygen masks and ordered the loosening of breathing masks inside
the passenger cabin. Obviously, the emergency oxygen system had tampered
with by a Boeing mechanic at Kuala Lumpur International Airport or
earlier at Tarbes-Lourdes Airport in the French Pyrenees, where the
leased planes was parked and serviced by GA Telesis for six months of
2013. The plane actual production number is therefore vital to the
investigation, regardless of insurance claims.
Within minutes, a Thai
military radar unit at an undisclosed location, picked up signals
indicating the plane turned around and was flying back toward Malaysia.
That U-turn, following some confused movements, indicates that an
Israeli satellite or electronic-warfare aircraft had successfully taken
over the controls of MH370.
The Boeing 777 then crossed
over a series of peaks of three Malaysian states, including Terengganu,
Perak and Kedah. After 2 a.m., the jetliner slipped through the gap
between Penang and Lankawi airports, where its trajectory over
Butterworth rail station was picked up by a radar unit at Surathani
Airport in Thailand, which was probably alerted by Thai military
aircraft trackers. Thailand will not disclose what it knows because of
its recent purchase of a fleet of SAAB fighter jets to counterbalance
Malaysia’s Sukhoi attack planes.
No pilot would attempt such
such a crazed high-risk flight path over a series of mountains at
nighttime. Therefore the only possible explanation is that the pilot
failed to perform his assigned task, and an electronic hijacking system
took over the cockpit for a mad dash toward Diego Garcia with the crown
jewels of American technology and a cargo of unsuspecting passengers
fast asleep under the effects of drugged air.
Faking a Mid-Sea Crash
After their harrowing
stopover at Diego Garcia, what could have happened to MH370? With Phil
Wood out of their way and possibly dead by March 20 at an isolated
corner of Diego Garcia, the passengers apparently continued to refuse
cooperation with their Israeli captors.
Thus, delays stymied the
Israeli effort to identify the computer programmers who had developed
the game-changing Kinetis KL02 and KL03 microcontroller chips, the core
of a new generation of ultra-small weapons, which Israel hopes to deploy
against Iranian military installations and underground nuclear plants.
The debriefing of passengers would thus a require more interrogation
time and more interrogators with Malay and Chinese language skills than
available on Diego Garcia.
Then, as State Department
intelligence began its inquiry into the solitary confinement of the
American security expert at an US military base, the Israeli had to
quickly move the passengers off Diego Garcia. The American garrison
obviously could not have the physical evidence of the Malaysian plane
nor the illegal detention of more than 200 civilians uncovered by
diplomatic intelligence and CIA agents.
Sleight of Hand
The planned move to Australia
was unacceptable to IDF Headquarters in Tel Aviv. The Freescale chip
designers were urgently needed to produce their breakthrough
microcontrollers in Israel. The Israeli military-industrial complex was
obsessed with a crash program to design and build ultra-small
self-guided weapons for the coming attack on Iran’s underground nuclear
plants, air-defense system and command-and-control centers.
Therefore, the Israeli pilots
headed toward Australia as ordered by the American military but then
faked an air crash in the southern Indian Ocean. A steep nosedive with
last-second pullout was enough to deceive the Australian and US
governments. After a radar image was picked up in Perth, the pilot
turned the plane around in the opposite direction, toward the Red Sea
and Israel. This is why the sea search was not launched until more than
two weeks after the plane went missing.
Once again, MH370 evaded radar detection, this time on its final journey, to the Promised Land.
MH370 Revisited Part 2: Protecting US Defense Technology
Several blogs are using dubious photo analysis to
question the credibility of Philip Wood, the American aboard MH370 whose
i-Phone message showed that the plane had been hijacked, its passengers
detained by “unknown military personnel” and the detention center to be
on the Diego Garcia military base. The secrecy surrounding Wood’s
background does not mean that he and his fiance Sarah Bajc are “crisis
actors”. On the contrary, the facts point to his status as a
tech-security agent for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
Across Asia, the DIA has a reputation for
professionalism far surpassing the CIA’s armchair scholars, narcissist
neophytes and diplomatic cocktail freeloaders. Wood fits the DIA profile
to a tee, being computer savvy, knowledgeable about defense-related
technology, careful in maintaining his cover at IBM, silent about his
military record and physically tough.
The fact that the Israelis confined and likely
murdered a DIA agent reveals the extreme desperation that compelled the
theft of America’s most advanced defense technology. The midair hijack
aimed at abducting 20 computer-technology experts with Freescale
Semiconductor exposes the outlaw mentality of a rogue state that holds
its closest ally and benefactor in utter contempt. Simply put, Israel
has emerged as America’s most implacable enemy and all the more
dangerous because it poses as an ally and friend.
Israel resorted to stealing the Freescale Kinetis
KL02 and KL03 techology, rather than waiting to pay for licensing
rights, because the micro-controller is urgently needed for the upcoming
military assault on Iran. The widening divide between the State
Department and Israel over Iran policy, particularly the question of a
bombing campaign, put the hawkish and fanatic Netyanhu government onto a
“go it alone” warpath against Tehran.
Since it is logistically impossible for the Israel
Air Force to fly long-distance sorties against Iranian military sites
without control over Syrian airspace, the only feasible alternative to
aerial bombing is to unleash hordes of lightweight ultra-small robotic
weapons that can fly and crawl into underground military facilities.
The KL series microcontroller units (MCU) are the
brains for these tiny self-guided weapons, whose sensors can find
pathways through air ducts, power conduits and plumbing pipes to attack
electronic controls and incapacitate personnel with nerve gas or
biowarfare agents. When launched from Dolphin submarines under the cover
of nightfall, there is no effective defense against an army of tiny
ninja robots.
The one person who stood in the way of Israel’s
devious plans was Philip Wood, who was not a crisis actor, as suggested
in a disinformation campaign, but instead an American patriot. Without
his courageous efforts to organize resistance against the
hostage-takers, the Israelis would have gotten away with the perfect
crime. Now, thanks to his sense of duty and personal sacrifice, the
perpetrators stand naked before the world as the despicable thugs they
really are. The test of American honor rides on whether the White House
or Congress dares to defy Israeli treachery by acknowledging Phil Wood
with a posthumous medal.
Get Off of My Cloud
Texas resident Wood was, on the surface, a quiet and
unassuming computer memory expert with IBM, following his father’s
career path. Oddly, no details of his work on cloud computing and
computer security in Dallas-Fort Worth are listed on his Linked-in page.
The omission of a local client list is due to the
fact that Big Blue’s largest customer in Fort Worth is USAF-Lockheed
Plant 4 at Carswell military airfield. Plant 4 is where the Air Force
and its aerospace contractors install, test and improve the aviation
electronics for America’s most advanced fighters, including the F-22,
F-35 and F-18, along with the navigation systems for drones, missiles
and smart bombs. Computer security against hackers and human-based
industrial espionage is, therefore, all-important to protecting American
defense-technology edge against its many adversaries and friendly
The Air Force upgraded its longtime partnership with
IBM computer services with a 2010 master contract to transfer its
production data, including weapons design and personnel matters, to a
cloud computing platform with strong security. Even well-protected
servers in any lab or office can be hacked with relative ease with newer
software. Cloud computing, in contrast, establishes a virtual network
protected by the latest firewall software even before its public
release. The network is constantly monitored to determine user behavior
and to track down any attempts to break into unauthorized areas.
The other advantage of the Cloud is its flexibility,
moving as it can across different computer nodes. If a major node is
disrupted or destroyed by a virus attack, terrorist bombing or a nuclear
strike, the data network simply moves onto other computers in safer
locations. Therefore, in event of a nuclear war, America’s
command-and-control system will survive intact to deliver a precision
counterstrike with its remaining arsenal.
Called to Kuala Lumpur
After much of Plant 4, with all its components, came
under cloud protection, Wood was transferred to Kuala Lumpur and Beijing
following an IBM contract signing with Freescale Semicondutor.
The Austin-headquartered firm, a spinoff of Motorola,
is heavily dependent on Asian programmers, with their excellent design
skills, mathematical prowess, lower salaries and persistence at quality
control. This is why the world’s smallest MCUs were designed and
perfected at the Freescale plant in Petaling Jaya, on the outskirts of
Kuala Lumpur.
The creation of the KL series prompted top
defense-technology experts to assign watchdogs over Freescale’s Asian
operations. In November 2013, Joanne Maguire with Lockheed was appointed
to the Freescale board of directors. Her career record shows her to be a
veteran defense-tech executive as vice president of Lockheed, a member
of the national Defense Technology commission, and a director of the
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, a cutting-edge weapons research center
in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
At the same moment, Phil Wood was appointed as
fulltime technology manager with IBM Malaysia. For the first time in his
career, he was given the executive privilege of having a public life
and personal freedom, which was disclosed mainly through his courtship
of Beijing-based Sarah Bajc. Besides their late-life romance, the couple
“covered the bases” of high-tech security, he in the defense-related
sector and she in the civilian corporate economy. A wedding could only
increase their professional synergy. Their pre-nuptial plan was to set
up house in Kuala Lumpur. Instead, their relationship proved to be
tragic, cut short by an Israeli special forces team on Diego Garcia.
Israel’s Best and Cruelest
Narrowing down the possible suspects in the MH370
hijacking is not especially difficult. The operation requires a unique
set of resources, skills and experience. The remote control of a larger
jetliner requires a mobile satellite with GPS guidance hardware to chart
the path and narrow-band radar to determine the captured aircraft’s
altitude. In short, guidance through three dimensions plus time, through
a spatial-temporal matrix with variable factors including weather,
potential mid-flight collision with other aircraft and evasion of radar
In short, the operation requires a well-equipped and
highly trained Air Force with the most advanced, which reduces the field
to the USAF and the Israeli Air and Space Wing. The operation also
involves an on-the-ground military intelligence corps, thoroughly
knowledgeable about passenger and crew behavior in a hijacking
situation. Among the world’s 192 countries, no air force unit has as
much air-hijacking expertise as the Special Surface-Air Designation Team
Unit 5101, Israel’s most secret special forces group, which is known by
the Hebrew term for “kingfisher” or Shaldag.
In recent years, Shaldag conducted the deep
infiltration into Syrian territory to target a suspected nuclear plant
being built by North Korean technicians. Later, Kingfishers aboard
helicopters, flying undetected amid white-hot phosphorus barrages, used
short-range missiles and gunfire to suppress nearly every Hamas
rocket-launch site during Operation Pillar of Fire against Gaza. All the
credit was given to Israel’s Iron Dome missile shield, while the real
story of highly disciplined forward-deployed soldiers will never see the
light of day.
The commander of Shaldag has earned a sterling
reputation for accurate intelligence work, meticulous preparation,
boldness in attack and personal bravery for his many successful
operations. As a result, General Benjamin “Benny” Ganz was promoted to
Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Force in 2011. His
first major decision was to combine the land, sea and air special forces
into a combined spearhead called the Iran Force. War is on the horizon.
The electronic hijacking of MH370 to seize the
Firewall KL technology has all the hallmarks of Ganz’s tactical genius,
steel determination and utter ruthlessness. One team led by one leader
pulled off the airborne equivalent of an Ocean’s 11 heist. On a good day
in a certain light, the general even looks like George Clooney.
Outgunned and outnumbered by Israel’s best and
cruelest, Phil Wood had no chance in this fight, but he tripped up his
Israeli captors long enough for this ongoing investigation by many
veteran analysis in the US and Malaysia, networked through, to
pick up the trail and pursue the Ganz gang. The American hero’s body
will probably never be found, when there are so many places to dig holes
in the Chagos Islands.
To the Promised Land
So what happened to the Malaysian Airline passengers if they did not die on impact in the southern Indian Ocean?
The jet flew toward the Red Sea, where
electronic-warfare planes with Israeli Air Force routinely jam Saudi and
Egyptian radar. Nearing the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, the
Israel pilot would then veer the jetliner into the Gulf of Aqaba and
over the Israeli-controlled Negev Desert, while trying not to be spotted
near the port of Eilat. The plane was therefore probably flown at
To guarantee a safe landing, a Boeing 777 requires a
3900 meter runway like the one at Diego Garcia. There are only three
such long airfields in Israel, including the international airports of
Tel Aviv Ben Gurion and Ovda outside Eilat. Landing a Malaysian jetliner
at either civilian airport would be too conspicuous since Malaysia does
not recognize the “Zionist entity” as a legitimate nation-state.
Conversely, it would seem equally strange to ground crews for an El Al
jet land at Kuala Lumpur. There is no love lost between these two small
That leaves only one possible destination, which is
Nevatim Air Base south of Beersheba and close to the Dimona Nuclear
Weapons Reactor. The largest airfield in the Middle East, Nevatim is the
base for Israel’s strategic nuclear strike force and was used for
tactical bombing campaigns against Gaza. Its secret facilities include
hardened underground hangars large enough to hide a Boeing 777.
There inside the labyrinth below sand, gravel and
concrete slabs, Israel Air Force interrogators have by now filtered out
the Freescale programmers for dispatch to IDF electronics-warfare
laboratories at smaller military bases. Their design concepts and
production data will establish production of tiny microcontroller chips
at some of the 60 semiconductor companies that are members of the Israel
Advanced Technology Alliance (IATI), which is owned by the Paris-based
Rothschild Group.
Lord Jacob Rothschild, head of London-based
Rothschild Capital and dominant investor in the Blackstone Group, was
unable to pry the Kinetis KL series, from the American executive
management at Freescale’s Austin headquarters. Thus the head of the
Rothschild dynasty made a lateral pass to his French nephew Benjamin,
whose IATI group is directly connected with the IDF electronic warfare
division. The history of the Rothschild fortune follows an iron rule:
Whenever you can’t buy, steal.
Gen. Benny Ganz and his Shaldag force were given the
complicated assignment to obtain the microcontroller by any necessary
means. In cooperation with the Mossad station in Singapore and Beijing,
the Israeli Air and Space Wing’s special operations group devised the
operational plan to seize the Freescale programmers and their hard
drives aboard MH370.
The operation proceeded much like one of the
intricate plots of the Ocean’s 11 series, beset with unexpected crises,
but in the end brilliantly successful.
The loser in the MH370 heist is not just Malaysia,
but also the United States of America, which has been humiliated as well
as burned by its little upstart ally. Punishing Israel won’t be easy,
even for a superpower.
Chandra Muzaffar, head of the Malaysia human-rights
group JUST International, described the present situation as: “Barack
Obama is only the second president to move away from support for Israel.
The first American leader who openly opposed Israel was John Kennedy,
and look what happened to him.”
The theft of the tiny Kinetis microchip is a giant
step toward a war on Iran. The success of the hijack operation is also a
major challenge to America’s superpower status. A new global empire
headquartered in Israel, Wall Street and the City of London now feels
confident enough to slap around the Pentagon and the White House with
impunity, and kill an American defense intelligence agent inside a US
military base.
If history offers any lessons, two centuries ago the
Rothschild-financed and controlled Royal British Army smashed through US
Marine Corps defenses and stormed into Washington DC. After eating
dinner inside the presidential residence, the British troopers set fire
to the White House. It is happening again.
Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor with the Japan Times group, is a Hong Kong-based science writer.
Postscript: Illuminati Magic Behind a Disappearing Act
The MH370 mystery is inspiring psychics to conjure
the location of the missing plane and has spurred online discussion of
its numerological, astrological and occult implications. These eerie
musings tend to focus on picayune details like the logo of Malaysia
airlines with its double trident that resembles 33, a number redolent of
Freemasonry, which is nearly as loaded as the Boeing model number 777
(666 plus 111).
Such Harry Potter-style dabbling is child’s play
compared with the real-world linkages of the MH370 hijacking to the
actual historical, political and economic foundations of Illuminati
power. The codebook is an occult classic, the Shakespeare-Roger Bacon
play “The Tempest.”
The strange tale focuses on the relationship between
the Kabbalist sorcerer Prospero, who is exiled and shipwrecked on a
tropical island inhabited by fantastical creatures including a
rebellious half-human/half-demon named Caliban and the dainty trickster
Ariel. Both are enslaved by the superior magical power of Prospero, a
character who much like Goethe’s Faust is admired and feared as an
Illuminati master.
Caliban’s description of strange sounds over his
native island were recited by actpr Kenneth Branaugh at the opening
ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. The themes are reflected in
reference to Diego Garcia, an atoll shaped like the letter C, where the
dazed passengers aboard MH370 landed like Prospero in forced exile.
“The isle is full of noises,
Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears . . .”
Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears . . .”
Recast in our high-tech era, his words describe with
wonder the full spectrum of electronic-warfare from radar and radio
communications to the remote piloting software used to hijack MH370 and
the pinger in the darkest depths of the Indian Ocean. Yesterday’s magic
is today’s technology.
“And sometime voices
That, if I then had waked after long sleep
Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming
The clouds methought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked
I cried to dream again.”
Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming
The clouds methought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked
I cried to dream again.”
Mobile phones were ringing as passengers fell asleep
under the influence of a tranquilizing gas, while faraway remote pilots
took ghostly control of the cockpit over the Gulf of Thailand. The
clouds suggest the Cloud Computing with which IBM security expert Phil
Wood tried to protect the secrets of the Air Force, those flying angels.
A sweet dream is more comforting than waking up inside a cell with a
hood over your head.
Caliban today would not be a monster but a transhuman
chimera, a man interfaced with bionic machines guided by tiny Kinetis
microcontroller chips.
The nimble and clever sprite Ariel, in contrast, is a
study in espionage, sabotage and psychological warfare as he carries
out Prospero’s orders.
“Now in the waist, the deck, in every cabin,
I flamed amazement: sometime I’d divide
And burn in many places.“
I flamed amazement: sometime I’d divide
And burn in many places.“
The perfect secret agent for an airplane hijack or to
destroy a nuclear power plant, Ariel is the Mossad, Shaldag and the
Israel Space Agency. The Rothschild dynast happens to sponsor Ariel
University, Israel’s emerging cauldron for the black arts of advanced
weapons development, electronic warfare, security studies and media
Then there is Lord Rothschild himself, Prospero
incarnate in our time, with the Kinetis microcontroller on his palm like
a flawless crystal palantir, the source of invincible magic against
which humanity is powerless.
“These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve;
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind.“
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air;
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve;
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind.“
Never mind the human toll, everything fades into
nothingness. In the instantaneous realm of globalism, nothing survives
for no one exists. There are just fleeting images that come and go like
phantasms on a smart phone screen. David Copperfield can only make an
elephant disappear, so how much more amazing it is for a jumbo jet to
vanish into thin air.
“We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.“
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.“
Now, before you drift off, let’s cut to the quick of
the politick. Israel’s top software testing company Tescom has as its
primary client Rafael Armaments, which develops avionics for warplanes
and missiles. Rafael is also the angel of the Apocalypse, who blows a
horn three times to signal that the End Days have arrived. All shall
Tescom has an regional office in Singapore, the hub
for Mossad espionage and hacking by the ghouls of Google across
Southeast Asia. The sorcerer is a spy.
Coincidentally, Sarah Bajc in the past served as the
managing director of Tescom US and organized its IPO on the AIM
(alternative index) of the London Stock Exchange. Tescom may have since
then secretly monitored her email to track IBM-Freescale security expert
Philip Wood. Good men will surely die.
Curiously, Tescom’s internet domain was registered at
Prospero House located on Old Jewry street, in the City of London, the
heart of Britain’s financial markets and the domicile of the English
branch of the Rothschild family. Inside Prospero House, there is a
conference hall called the Illuminate Center.
So remember Ariel’s warning:
“While you here do snoring lie,
Open-eyed Conspiracy
His time doth take.
If of life you keep a care,
Shake off slumber, and beware.
Awake, awake!”
Yes,200+ plus innocents dead; Rothschilds and Israelis plotting for an Iranian invasion-what's new?
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