Thursday 4 October 2012


In the late night hours on Oct. 1, masked gunmen went door-to-door in the off-campus housing section of Federal Polytechnic College in Mubi, a city in the remote Adamawa State in northeastern Nigeria (see map,near Cameroon)calling students by name variously shooting and stabbing the them to death. This is part of the Muslim Hausa Fulani zone while the South is settled with mainly Christian Ibo and Yoruba.

Immediately 26 students were confirmed dead fingers pointed at boko haram,a shadowy movement that first shot to world prominence in 2009 when the Army attacked their Maiduguri HQ killing hundreds of members. Many were found to be Sudanese,Chadian and Nigerienne.
BH also began an urban bombing campaign car,the most spectacular of which was the UN HQ in Abuja,killing 21. Hundreds more died in nation wide Christmas bombings. Suddenly BH,previously by all accounts a rural menace staffed by disaffected disenfranchised youth from the remote North had become a significant security threat to Nigeria. Informed observers saw a familiar hand providing sophisticated timers,detonators and training for such attacks.

Its not generally known outside W.Africa that many of the ubiquitous Lebanese in mining,tourism,plantations,transport ,all manner of business are actually Israeli. They were,and still are behind the real diamond wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone.Nigeria is as thoroughly penetrated by the Chosenites as any other country in the region-the Megaplaza mall on Victoria Island,Lagos is reputedly owned by Alon Nelken,their,Lagos Chief of Ops. The former prez,General Ibrahim Babangida was put in power by a CIA/Mossad coup in the 80s. In exchange he allowed them to use Lagos as a drug transit and money laundering centre.
As of now China,owns outright a sixth of all Nigeria's known oil reserves and launched a geostationary commercial satellite, owned by Nigeria and operated in Abuja. In 2010, China and Nigeria signed a $23 billion deal to construct three fuel refineries in Nigeria, adding an extra 750,000 barrels per day of domestic refining capacity.
 One study by the National Intelligence Committee tested the US Africa Command’s capacity to respond to a disintegrating Nigeria on the verge of collapse amidst civil war, by sending 20,000 US troops to battle vying rebel factions seeking to control the Niger Delta oil fields . At a press conference at the House Armed Services Committee on March 13, 2008, former AFRICOM Commander, General William Ward stated that AFRICOM would operate under the theatre-goal of “combating terrorism” to prioritize the issue of America’s growing dependence on African oil . At an AFRICOM Conference held at Fort McNair on February 18, 2008, Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller openly declared the guiding principle of AFRICOM is to protect “the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market”, before citing China’s increasing presence in the region as challenging to American interests.
Such pronouncements are to mentally prepare their citizens for eventual military action in Nigeria. Remember Tears of the Sun? He was a Specops officers saving the murdered Nigerian president's son from cruelly caricatured animalistic Fulani. Predictive programming right there.
The West has been comprehensively outflanked.We have seen before their dependence on psychologically devastating false flag attacks to justify war-its their true and tested modus operandi. Ask Iraqis, Indian residents of Mumbai or Pakistanis slaughtered by CIA/Mossad terrorists. Enter boko haram.


  1. just amazing content, could you give me more updates, thanks

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    1. Glad you like it! Will update only when I've validated data in my possession.
