Thursday 6 June 2013


In the early 80s citizens of the most benighted nation in the Western hemisphere,possibly in the whole world,Haiti washed up on Florida's shores. Victims of the usual periodic violence and sheer contempt for human life of then ruling Baby Doc Duvalier,they were quickly ushered into short stay INS processing centers in S.Florida and Puerto Rico.
Within 2 months by November 1981 hundreds of men,roughly 500 ,almost 15%,reported a medical mystery-gynecomastia. It was found that the sufferers had all passed either passed through the Krome facility in Miami or were resident therein. One non Haitian was also affected.

The CDC swung into action but could find no trace of estrogen,the feminizing agent responsible  in food
or water. Strangely though fortuitously by March the condition somehow reversed itself in 70% of cases. In a lawsuit on behalf of the refugees it was discovered the main camp Krome admin regularly sprayed them with chemicals.
The camp commander was one Wesley Clark,who later went on to please his Elites overlords enormously orchestrating the  airborne slaughter in Yugoslavia in 99. That's when NATO,the Global Elite security force decided to truncate and grab Yugoslavia's natural wealth for themselves. In this 90 day episode US led Euro air forces dropped thousands of tonnes of napalm,air dropped land mines,cluster bombs and DUI allegedly to 'save Kosovo from Serbian aggression.'
The Haiti refugees served as a real life test bed for secret modern day biochemical poisoning or rather social reengineering via chemical additives. Governments everywhere want a reduced population and a more quiescent submissive electorate.
The biochemical warfare program against the people is today larger and more sophisticated. Along with the feminizing agent estrogen added to water supplies all over the West,and forced vaccinations containing  time locked disease there is war against Man that can be seen in the skies of Europe/UK/US.

The USG has been spraying metal aerosols including arsenic,barium,depleted uranium and mercury in the skies over cities for at least 20 years now-and they admitted it! But of course its to protect the people. Yes!
HR 2977 The Space & Preservation Act of 2001 lays it all out in detail.
Asthma is now the 3rd leading cause of death in America while Alzheimer's disease,caused by aluminum poisoning has greatly increased. Arsenic, aerosol, barium, depleted uranium, high levels of mercury, aluminum and several other toxic chemicals. These are a huge cause in most respiratory breathing problems in America. I did a beta test on how many cases of an ambulance being called within a 8-hour period from respiratory problems, people of all ages infant to elderly that can’t breathe. I worked in a facility in Springfield, MA where I monitored operations and a police-fire scanner. I monitored an average of 8-13 calls every day within that 8-hour period of people who could not breathe.
Once these chemicals are sprayed, several hours later they descend towards ground level and the human body inhales these toxic fumes. You may ask if wearing a gas mask is safe — well, you may protect your lungs, but also remember that plants breathe these chemicals in as well, affecting your foods grown and water you drink, along with the already added poison sodium fluoride and all its derivatives incorporated by your friends at Monsanto.

A purported photo of the interior of a chemical spraying 737.

Being a federal US government project both the military and private airlines are involved. The results apart from the immediate symptoms of constant sickness are ever more profits for Big Pharma as victims medicate endlessly and mystery diseases like Morgellons. This is actually not so bad. Severe symptoms include
  • Crawling sensations on and under the skin, often compared to insects moving, stinging or biting
  • Fibers, threads or black stringy material in and on the skin
  • Severe fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Short-term memory loss

 The chemtrails supports a secret water additive agenda. Phthalates and estrogen are added to water treatment processes all over the Western world;explaining the explosion of homosexuality in the world today and low male fertility.Ultimately of course this is what is desired-zero or very low population growth. A win-win situation for the Global Elite;to make money off the victims of the success of their very own agenda.

Living anywhere in the West the situation isn't looking good. Chemtrail spraying is carried everywhere from N.America to Brazil and Japan & Europe with reports having even Russians now breathing the same aerosol chemical cocktail. With hindsight it seems the Haitian refugees were the first unwitting test subjects for such nefarious bioweapon warfare.
Read more here:
'They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren't cleared for it...We were made to sign non-disclosure forms that basically stated that we would go to prison if we told anyone what we knew.'
- See more at:
'They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren't cleared for it...We were made to sign non-disclosure forms that basically stated that we would go to prison if we told anyone what we knew.'
- See more at:
'They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren't cleared for it...We were made to sign non-disclosure forms that basically stated that we would go to prison if we told anyone what we knew.'
- See more at:

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